Friday, August 10, 2012


As the U.S. Representativefor California's 35th congressional district, and previously the 29th district, Waters, a member of the Democratic Party, nonetheless has a long-standing record of adhering to dangerous socialist ideas which, in turn, she routinely attempts to enforce (sometimes successfully and moreso since 2008) on the public.  She has committed a number of ethics and protocol violations which, if committed by members of another political party and ethnic background, would result in impeachment and possible criminal proceedings.  However, Waters has thus far emerged from these incidents unscathed.

Waters has publicly advocated racially-motivated violence. In response to the 1992 riots in Los Angeles, Waters said the riots were a rebellion, saying "If you call it a riot it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason. I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable."  In her view, the violence, was “a spontaneous reaction to a lot of injustice.” In regards to the looting of Korean-owned stores by local black residents, she said: “There were mothers who took this as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes...They are not crooks.”  However, post-riot investigations led to the conclusion that no "mothers" were present at the looting of these Korean-owned stores.  The looting was motivated solely by the desire to commit theft in an environment that was perceived, but not understood, as anarchy.  However, Waters understood it as such and is unrepentant of her supportive stance on the acts committed by black rioters.

Waters has visited Cuba many times, praised Fidel Castro, and called for an end to the U.S. trade embargo. In 1998 Waters wrote a letter to Castro in which she referred to the 1960s and 1970s as “a sad and shameful chapter of our [American] history,” and thanked Castro for providing help to those who wished to “flee political persecution.” To this day, she has not retracted these statements nor expressed remorse for visiting a country hostile to the United States and its values.  Waters has also participated in the violation of a child's civil and human rights. After a woman drowned during an attempted escape from Cuba to the U.S. in 1999, leaving a six-year-old son, Elian Gonzales, who survived and requested asylum in the U.S., Waters called on President Bill Clinton to return him at once to Cuba

Waters has also threatened those who belong to parties other than her own. On August 20, 2011 while at a town hall discussing some of the displeasure that supporters of President Obama have had with the Congressional Black Caucus not supporting the president Waters stated, "as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to Hell . . . and I intend to help them get there."  She was never censured, cited, or otherwise reprimanded for this remark and she remains unrepentant.

However, the sheer volume of Waters' ethics violations and examples of conduct unbecoming a public servant has forced several agencies to take action despite the accusations of racism this has and will elicit. According to Chuck Neubauer and Ted Rohrlich writing in the LA Times in 2004, Maxine Waters' relatives had made more than $1 million during the preceding eight years by doing business with companies, candidates and causes that Waters had helped. They claimed she and her husband helped a company get government bond business, and her daughter Karen Waters and son Edward Waters have profited from her connections. Waters replied that "They do their business and I do mine."  Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) named Waters to its list of corrupt members of Congress in its 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2011 reports.

Waters' husband is a stockholder and former director of OneUnited Bank and the bank's executives were major contributors to her campaigns. In September 2008, Waters arranged meetings between U.S. Treasury Department officials and OneUnited Bank, so that the bank could plead for federal cash. It had been heavily invested in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and its capital was "all but wiped out" after the U.S. government took them over. The bank received $12 million in Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) money.  At last, the House Ethics Committee said "race card be damned" and proceeded to investigate the matter.

In 2008, emboldened by the electoral victory of the Democratic Party in the Presidential election, Waters let it slip that she favors a socialist takeover of nearly all energy resource management companies in the United States.  It is surmised in certain circles that she would like to take this even further to a complete and total Marxist/Stalinist takeover of the government from within.  


Thursday, August 9, 2012


Fonda is recorded on videotape during a 1972 interview with Phil Donahue. During the interview, Fonda said, "I am not a Communist."  However, she stated that this assertion is based on her concerns over the Viet Nam War and President Nixon's alleged bugging of political rivals.  This is a non sequitur.  Furthermore, at a rally at the University of Michigan two years earlier, Fonda told students, “If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that one day we would become Communist.” After the Donahue interview, Fonda told students at Duke University, "I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. " This would at the least open the door to charges of purjury, had Fonda ever been brought before the Senate Judiciary Committee on UnAmerican Activities.

Fonda began her participation in anti-war activities around 1967, allegedly after meeting with Communists while in France and with American citizens who were revolutionaries.   Her activities included active participation in demonstrations, rallies, radio broadcasts and plays.Fonda also helped in the organization of a production group called the F.T.A. (F*** The Army).  This group helped to set up coffee houses near military bases where they would perform anti-war derogatory-type sketches for the visiting soldiers.  The coffee-house sketches were intended to counterpoint the U.S.O. shows, such as Bob Hope and other U.S.O. sponsored performers whose performances increased  morale and gave positive support to American soldiers.   Some of the F.T.A. coffee house employees would mingle with the soldiers to help them to "relax and unwind", while encouraging the soldiers to desert.   Some soldiers alleged that they were promised jobs and money by the F.T.A.  if they deserted.  

The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization received major financial support from Jane Fonda.  Jane Fonda's F.T.A. coffee houses helped in recruiting soldiers and veterans for the Vietnam Veterans Against The War Organization.   The Vietnam Veterans Against the War Organization membership was approximately 7,000 at it's highest.  The Organization's membership number was comparatively low, when you consider that more than 2 1/2 million Americans served during the Vietnam  war.   Fonda personally sought out returning American soldiers from Vietnam to solicit them to publicly speak out against American atrocities against Vietnamese women and children during her broadcasts.  North Vietnamese officials based in Canada coordinated her broadcasts.

Fonda did a lot more in that 1972 visit to North Vietnam than demonstrate her solidarity with those who were shooting down American pilots. At her request, she made at least 10 broadcasts on Radio Hanoi that included calling American pilots war criminals and urging them to stop bombing North Vietnam. In a propaganda gesture heavily publicized by Hanoi, she also met with a group of coerced American prisoners of war to demonstrate, as the North Vietnamese intended, that the POWs were receiving "humane" treatment. In fact, as we know now, nearly all American POWs in North Vietnam were brutally tortured until 1969, when Hanoi's policy changed to more selective mistreatment. One American POW was strung up from a ceiling by his broken arm until he agreed to listen to Fonda's assertions that the prisoners were being well treated.

In 1975, after the fall of the South Vietnam Government, Jane Fonda returned to Hanoi with her newborn son Troy for a celebration in her honor for the work she had done for North Vietnam.  During the celebration, her son was christened after a Viet Cong  hero, Nguyen Van Troi, who had attempted to assassinate Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara while on his visit to South Vietnam in 1963.   The South Vietnam Government executed Troi for this attempted assassination.This visit, which demonstrates an unrepentant spirit, has never been publicly addressed by Fonda.

To date, Fonda has never apologized for her crimes against the American People. She has stated in various phrasings that her activities reflected a lack of judgement on her part.  However, she remains unrepentant.

RECOMMENDATION: Fonda must be arrested and tried for treason. The traditional punishment for traitors should be considered; preferably the medieval English penalty for treason.


Soros claims to adhere to the philosophy of 
Fallibilism, which is the belief that any of one's own beliefs can be wrong and should therefore be subject to revision.  However, his belief in a market economy heavily regulated by a centralized government, combined with his assertion that the problems of the Jewish community are the fault of the Jewish state, firmly categorizes him as a National Socialist, or NAZI despite his Jewish ancestry.  At the very least, Soros is a Statist and advocates government interference in the lives of those whose ideas differ from his own (as is the case with all thought criminals afflicted with Statism).

Concerning the allegations of collaboration with the Nazis, Soros was asked by Steve Kroft of 60 minutes if he found it difficult. Soros responded, "Not at all."

Kroft persisted. "No feeling of guilt?" "No," said Soros.
"There was no sense that I shouldn't be there. If I wasn't doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow (referring to the confiscation of Jewish property)... So I had no sense of guilt."

Soros wishes to join with other criminals, and so he is an ardent supporter of the Obama administration, and donates large amounts of funding to groups devoted to Obama's cult of personality under the guise of "revitalizing the economy." Indeed, much of Soros' ideology has the nature of a smokescreen. When it benefits him, he favors capitalism. When capitalism benefits his rivals, he then switches over to favor of a strong, regulatory, government role in business. This assessment summarizes the subject's entire worldview: Justice, so long as it doesn't hurt his bottom line. Justice, so long as American citizens are made to pay for HIS type of justice.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Soros should be forcibly reeducated to bring his views in line with the capitalist Right, because the hypocrisy of a socialist billionaire is far too sickening for the public to be expected to endure. He must also be systematically forbidden from interfering in American politics ever again, and subjected to lifelong NSA surveillance to ensure his compliance with this injunction. It may be appropriate for the Jewish state in Israel to decide upon sentencing.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ayers, an avowed Marxist, was leader of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group of the 1960s and '70s. Ayers advocates violence as a vehicle of social change, and is reported by witnesses to have said, “Kill all the rich people. ... Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.” Demonstrating his commitment to violence, Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.Concerning his terrorist activities, Ayers has been quoted by the media as saying, "I don't regret setting bombs . . . I feel we didn't do enough.'' He is known to still hold this attitude today.
Ayers has numerous accomplices in the fields of publishing and politics.  In order to spread his unsavory ideas, he has been allowed to publish several books, including one on the subject of reeducating American youth on the anarchist/Marxist model.  He is known to have conspired with the usurper Barack Obama on several socialist programs aimed at undermining the American way of life through redistribution of wealth, fraudulent voting practices (suspected) and generally unsavory associations.
Although he does not carry a weapon (surmised), Ayers should be considered dangerous. He has never served prison time for his terrorist activities, and was allowed to hold a PhD and teach at the University of Illinois until 2010.

KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Bernardine Dohrn (spouse): 10 MOST WANTED LIST, FBI (Hoover Era). David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, who are serving prison terms for a 1981 robbery of a Brinks truck in Rockland County, N.Y., that left four people dead. 
RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprehension, Trial by Star Chamber, Sentencing through same. ALTERNATIVE: Revocation of U.S. Citizenship followed by immediate deportation to Cuba or Democratic Republic of North Korea.