Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Ayers, an avowed Marxist, was leader of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group of the 1960s and '70s. Ayers advocates violence as a vehicle of social change, and is reported by witnesses to have said, “Kill all the rich people. ... Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.” Demonstrating his commitment to violence, Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.Concerning his terrorist activities, Ayers has been quoted by the media as saying, "I don't regret setting bombs . . . I feel we didn't do enough.'' He is known to still hold this attitude today.
Ayers has numerous accomplices in the fields of publishing and politics.  In order to spread his unsavory ideas, he has been allowed to publish several books, including one on the subject of reeducating American youth on the anarchist/Marxist model.  He is known to have conspired with the usurper Barack Obama on several socialist programs aimed at undermining the American way of life through redistribution of wealth, fraudulent voting practices (suspected) and generally unsavory associations.
Although he does not carry a weapon (surmised), Ayers should be considered dangerous. He has never served prison time for his terrorist activities, and was allowed to hold a PhD and teach at the University of Illinois until 2010.

KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Bernardine Dohrn (spouse): 10 MOST WANTED LIST, FBI (Hoover Era). David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, who are serving prison terms for a 1981 robbery of a Brinks truck in Rockland County, N.Y., that left four people dead. 
RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprehension, Trial by Star Chamber, Sentencing through same. ALTERNATIVE: Revocation of U.S. Citizenship followed by immediate deportation to Cuba or Democratic Republic of North Korea.