Thursday, August 9, 2012


Soros claims to adhere to the philosophy of 
Fallibilism, which is the belief that any of one's own beliefs can be wrong and should therefore be subject to revision.  However, his belief in a market economy heavily regulated by a centralized government, combined with his assertion that the problems of the Jewish community are the fault of the Jewish state, firmly categorizes him as a National Socialist, or NAZI despite his Jewish ancestry.  At the very least, Soros is a Statist and advocates government interference in the lives of those whose ideas differ from his own (as is the case with all thought criminals afflicted with Statism).

Concerning the allegations of collaboration with the Nazis, Soros was asked by Steve Kroft of 60 minutes if he found it difficult. Soros responded, "Not at all."

Kroft persisted. "No feeling of guilt?" "No," said Soros.
"There was no sense that I shouldn't be there. If I wasn't doing it, somebody else would be taking it away anyhow (referring to the confiscation of Jewish property)... So I had no sense of guilt."

Soros wishes to join with other criminals, and so he is an ardent supporter of the Obama administration, and donates large amounts of funding to groups devoted to Obama's cult of personality under the guise of "revitalizing the economy." Indeed, much of Soros' ideology has the nature of a smokescreen. When it benefits him, he favors capitalism. When capitalism benefits his rivals, he then switches over to favor of a strong, regulatory, government role in business. This assessment summarizes the subject's entire worldview: Justice, so long as it doesn't hurt his bottom line. Justice, so long as American citizens are made to pay for HIS type of justice.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Soros should be forcibly reeducated to bring his views in line with the capitalist Right, because the hypocrisy of a socialist billionaire is far too sickening for the public to be expected to endure. He must also be systematically forbidden from interfering in American politics ever again, and subjected to lifelong NSA surveillance to ensure his compliance with this injunction. It may be appropriate for the Jewish state in Israel to decide upon sentencing.